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Hadass Sheffer

Hadass Sheffer

The Graduate! Network, Inc.

Career Roadmap

Hadass's work combines: Education, Entrepreneurship, and Upholding a Cause and Belief

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Day In The Life

President and Co-Founder

I lead a national organization that builds and supports community programs for adults to go back to and through college.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree


    Hebrew University

  • Graduate Degree


    Temple University

  • Doctorate


    University of Pennsylvania

  • Vocational

    Exec Ed: Leading in Time of Chaos & Women and Power

    Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Chief Executives:

Bachelor's Degree: Economics, General

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

I've taken a lot of twists and turns

  • 1.

    Early on I followed others' academic dreams and expectations of me. That did not work out for me but it brought me to a new country.

  • 2.

    I had to find a way to support myself financially. I applied for jobs that my academic advisors wouldn't support, but I got hired and gained expertise (and supported myself.)

  • 3.

    I worked at a company that was winding down. I read the signs and started proactively looking for something else, returning to old connections and looking for new ones.

  • 4.

    I needed to find a new job but didn't see listed jobs that appealed to me. I started talking to people about ideas they had and ideas I had, and used my experience to create a new solution.

  • 5.

    Nobody likes people who "failed", but we all do at times. I wanted to change lives by empowering people rather than ignoring or denigrating them for being in a group at risk from a systemic failure.

  • 6.

    At first, my non-profit organization was not aligned with funders. I spent time explaining why our approach was the only way forward to solve a problem. It was risky but we made it a national model.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    "If you want a real career, get a real degree, not in Linguistics..." "That's never been done..." "You don't have a PhD, who will hire you?"

  • How I responded:

    Thankfully the era of proscribed pathways to a career is over! I've always viewed my work-life as a journey: focus on points along the way, be okay with detours and seek opportunities. I've shifted careers several times, first following interests and gathering experience and expertise, and later following passion. I seek out others' opinions but dim the volume on non-productive negativity. I prioritize finding interest wherever I am, learning new skills everywhere, and sharing with others.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I came to the US to study and knew nobody. The first 18 months were hard: I didn't live where other students lived, I didn't understand their social ways. I had no money. I made tons of mistakes. I just stuck it out. Tenacity and an open mind helps.